Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week 4 of 2009



So far it's proving to be a long winter! I'm still taking my photos but not keeping up with the blog posting.  I did manage to get my pages done this week so I'd qualify for Gina's freebie at Weeds & Wildflowers. Here's this weeks layouts.  I even went to the park one afternoon to take photos of the ducks.  It was cold most of the week and then we had a really good day Saturday.  I wish spring was a little closer.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Week 3 of 2009

It's been a long week here and extremely cold.  I ventured out a few times to feed the birds and of course to keep the dog company.  She just can't seem to go out alone!  I did get my Project 365 photos taken but sometimes it was doubtful whether I could find anything to take a photo of.    I also scrapped the weeks best photos.  I'm starting to feel a little stir crazy so I hope next week is better!



I hope to have a nice photo book at the end of the year!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Project 365 Layouts



I got the first two weeks of my Project 365 Layouts done.  Weeds and Wildflowers came up with this fantastic kit to make it so much easier.  I'm thinking about using this approach on some other photos that I've never gotten into an album.  It's fast and easy unless you tend to agonize over what paper or element to use like I do sometimes!  Anyway here's my layouts.



Week 2 was two pages:




Now off to take more photos!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

The second week of January

You think you're going to have a nice uneventful week just lazing around the house - playing with the computer, taking pics, reading, or whatever the mood is at the time. Never turns out to be what you expect.  We went to visit friends and had a great time.  We even took Katie and were so proud that she behaved so well with their two dogs especially since she was so nasty to my sister's dog over Xmas that she went home early.  Then I catch a cold.  Well it is winter!  But unfortunately it goes to my chest.  Then the furnace quits at 4 pm Wednesday afternoon and the service shop closes at five.  Well, since he was my boss he did come and get it going that evening.  But it quits again in the middle of the night.  Now I have three repairmen in the basement, replacing parts.  Well there goes the new point and shoot camera I was thinking about getting! In the meantime, my chest is getting worse.  Finally Wednesday afternoon, we have heat again.  Thursday I just sleep most of the day and struggle to breathe.  Finally Friday comes and I give in and go to the doctor.  He's one of those who always gives you a shot in rear no matter what.  So I get my shot and my prescription.  Wow did I really improve Friday night!  So Saturday turns out to be a decent day after all although I did have to skip my grandson's outdoor hockey game.  I didn't think that would be so great for my health. 

I did manage to take my Project 365 pics this week - boring as they are!  Here's one I took of Rick and Katie  that I didn't include in the project.



Monday, January 5, 2009

I returned the point and shoot camera yesterday but haven't replaced it yet. I don't want to spend much - just get something that takes decent photos. I can't seem to get any scrapping done, I have ton's of stuff to organize in ACDsee and get Decembers photos and kits backed up. How did I get so far behind? Here's another page from Katie's album that I'm working on. I'am about 15 months behind on it too! I'm afraid I don't keep credits anymore which is why I don't post to the online galleries. I just like scrapping for me now!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

We went to visit some friends yesterday and they told us to bring Katie. Since Katie is not the most well behaved dog and they have two jack russells of their own we were a bit hesitant. Katie seems to be turning into a snippy little dog. She grows at other dogs and people when we walk and I always have to pull her aside and wait for them to pass. This was the perfect opportunity to socialize her a bit. She really made me proud!! She was so good and not a moments trouble!

Here's a Xmas picture of my little darling! She's 21 months now so maybe she's growing out of some of her fears. It's not the clearest - but it was the best one with her elf hat.

Friday, January 2, 2009

I got the photos posted for yesterday and today on my Project on my 365 blog. They were horrible photos. I have a Canon Powershot S3IS camera and like it fairly well. It does alot of the same things as SLR but not as big. I did enough carrying of lens and bags when we had the film SLR with a huge zoom lens. Sometimes even the S3 is too much so I wanted a small point and shoot. Well, Rick just picked up a small one at Radio Shack but it's going back. I only took one photo yesterday and a couple today with it but that was enough.

I must confess I feel really old today after spending the last two days taking down Xmas decorations and carrying them to the third floor. Of course, it would be a lot easier if I wasn't carrying around so much weight. So I guess the one resolution I make this year will be to take the weight off. At least I managed to get on the treadmill this morning - besides carrying stuff up and down two flights of steps.

I also won a $10 gift certificate to Studio Flergs at Scrapbookgraphics. I picked up two of her kits. First Kiss & 6k74: The Kit

I must also admit that I spent a ton of time setting up the blogs in the last two days. This was my first and I almost pulled out my hair. I'm still having trouble with my posts but hopefully it will work out.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Since I want to participate in Project 365 this year I'm creating a blog. Project 365 is taking a photo a day for the whole year. My blog will mostly be about Katie, my cocker spaniel.

I love cocker spaniels. Molly was my first cocker and Katie my second. I lost Molly in February 2006. I created a Shutterfly book about her if you are interested. You can find it here: Life With Molly.

I got Kate in April 2006. She is so complete different from Molly in everything. She is extremely timid and shy. I took Molly to work with me everyday for ten years starting when she was six weeks old. We had no major problems. Katie refused to leave my office for over a month. She is afraid of every noise that she hears. She barks at every thing that is new to her. I got a new vacuum a year ago and she still barks and cowers. Usually we run it when she is outside (which I know is not the correct thing to do, but she's so terrified of it). Anyway I thought I would also upload some of the layouts I have done of Katie since I love digiscrapping and Katie is my favorite subject.

Here's one of the day we brought her home.

She was such a little cutie and so friendly - at least to us.

I'll upload the photos I take today probably tomorrow under my Project 365 label.